2011年1月29日 星期六

compare with與compared to

compare to
  • 把...比作
    • He compared the girl to the moon in the poem.
    • 他在詩中把那姑娘比作月亮。
compare with (一般作為動詞)

  • 與...相比
    • I'm afraid my English compares poorly with hers.
    • 恐怕我的英語和她的英語相比要差得多。

如:Compare this car with that one, and you will find the differences between them.

 compare with  一般做動詞
 compared with 一般做形容詞(be compared with)

詳細說明資料如下列網址: http://blog.cybertranslator.idv.tw/?p=2784

Compare to 和 compare with 有時可以互換,有時則不行。當 compare 用作及物動詞時,compare to 和 compare with (更精確的寫法是:compare sth to/with sth) 是同義詞,意為「與…相比;與…作比較」,如
If we compare French schools to/with British schools, we find there are many differences.

The results are then compared to/with the results of previous studies.

然而,compare to 除了上述意思外,還意為「把…比作;把…比喻為」,而這意思是 compare with 所沒有的,如
His poems have been compared to those of the English Romantics.

He usually compares women to roses.

當 compare 用作不及物動詞時,其後只能接介系詞 with (不可接 to),意為「(與…) 相比;比得上」,如
It’s a good university, but its architecture doesn’t compare with that of the older institutions.

Taiwan’s performance compares very favorably [unfavorably] with that of other Asian countries.
(台灣的表現比亞洲其他國家好 [差] 很多)。

Compare 的過去分詞形容詞 compared 亦可接 to 或 with,而兩者均意為「(與…) 相比;相較於」(注意:compared to 並無「把…比作;把…比喻為」之意)。因此,compared to 和 compared with 是完全可以互換的同義詞,並由此衍生出意思相同的 as compared to/with,而這幾個片語都相當常用:
Compared to/with mine, your car looks new.

Beijing is large, compared to/with Taipei.

Compared to/with some of the things she’s said, this was polite.

25% of school-age children smoke, as compared to/with 20% of adults.
(學齡兒童有百分之 二十五抽菸,相較於成人的僅百分之二十)。

與一般形容詞和副詞的比較用法一樣,compare to/with 或 compared to/with 在意為「相比;比較」時,被比較的事物必須是同類型的事物,比較它們之間的相似性或差異性,如學校與學校相比、建築與建築相比、車子與車子相比,不可拿學校來跟車子作比較。
但 compare to在意為「把…比作;把…比喻為」時,則可將某事物比作類型不同的事物,如把女人比喻為玫瑰花。