信中有提到one on one,此時有點疑惑,不是應該寫one by one嗎??
One by one:一個接著一個,逐一地
- He shot arrows one by one, but each missed. (他射了一箭又一箭,但都未射中。)
- All the applicants were interviewed one by one. (所有的申請者一個接著一個參加面試。)
- For some years after his retirement he kept up with a number of his old workmates, but as time went by he dropped them one by one. (退休後的幾年裏,他還同很多老同事保持著聯系,但隨著時間的推移,他們的聯系就一個一個地中斷了。)
One on one:一對一
- one to one, one for one
- Some students prefer to be tutored one on one. (有的學生喜歡老師單獨輔導)
- http://www.360abc.com/article/2410.html
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/teacher-sammy/article?mid=1687
- http://gept.earlybird.com.tw/html/common_errors_Chinese_speakers/04_one_to_one.html