- 分詞種類與用法
- 現在分詞 (V-ing):表主動、進行
- a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping
- 過去分詞 (p.p.):表被動、完成
- a used car = a car which is used
- 形容詞子句化簡成分詞片語
- 先去掉當主詞的關係代名詞 (which, that, who)
- 把動詞改為分詞
- 將對等子句簡化成分詞構句:
- S1 + V ..., and (S1) + V --> 前後主詞相同時,可改寫為 S1 + V ..., V-ing
- He turned on the radio and started to search for some good music. = He turned on the radio, starting to search for some good music.
- The first method requires too many components, including controllers and power devices, and this will increase the system cost.
- S1 + V ..., and S2 + V --> 前後主詞不相同時,可改寫為 S1 + V ..., S2 + V-ing
- She rode fast and her hair was blowing. = She rode fast, her fair blowing.